Lyrics of the Day
This week it's festival season so that you learn English and have that open-air sing-along concert feeling at the same time. Refreshments...

Lyrics of the Day
Lyrics: I drew the smile upon my face I paved the road that would one day leave me lonely No angels too good to fall from grace If she...

Lyrics of the Day
In 2015 Marina had her Diamonds but she was blue. That's why today she is called Marina only. Lyrics: We’ve broken up and now I regret it...

Gábor is listening to... 2019/24
This is one of those rare moments when I am completely satisfied with the music industry due to the comeback of English pop/rock band...

Lyrics of the Day
Out of the blue means suddenly, when you least expect it, something is happening or appearing Lyrics: On a lonely planet There's chaos...

Lyrics of the Day
This week the emphasis is on the color Blue. In certain cases being blue means being sad. Lyrics: How does it feel To treat me like you...

Lyrics of the (Whitsun- and Whit Mon-) Day
Bring the Heat! Bring the Heat! Lyrics: Right on time Back by the beach Doing all that I can, for you To be a warm-blooded man So I can...

My Top 50 - 8th June 2019
"And so once again pop music is saved... thanks to..."

Lyrics of the Day
Lyrics of today, yesterday and the day before. It's all about the weather :O Lyrics: Here comes the rain again Falling on my head like a...

Gábor is listening to... 2019/23
At the time of their global hit Venus, Siobhan Fahey was a member of British female trio Bananarama but quit in 1988 and started a solo...