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Lyrics of the Day

From today on I would like to post a song every day, the lyrics of which I find great for various reasons but mostly because I am a teacher of English and I would like to give an example to learners of English that their desired foreign language is closer to them than they would have thought.

So if you just find five minutes of a day to deal with practicing English, go to YouTube, find a song you heard in the radio, search for the lyrics on a separate site and read the lyrics while listening to the song. This way your minds will think it is a pastime activity and thus they will learn more easily. Besides that, with reading and listening at the same time, your minds will also be able to associate a pronunciation to previously unknown words. However, sometimes you might need a dictionary, too.

Today, my suggestion is June Afternoon, taken from Roxette's greatest hits album entitled Don't Bore Us, Get to the Chorus! from 1995.


Didn't I tell you everything is possible in this deja vu? Try the river boat, the carousel, feed the pigeons, Bar-B-Q. Look at all the people, happy faces all around. Smiling, throwing kisses, busy making lazy sounds It's a bright June afternoon, it never gets dark. Wah-wah! Here comes the sun. Get your green, green tambourine, let's play in the park. Wah-wah! Here comes the sun Some folks are on blankets, slowly daydreaming and reaching for their food. Let's go buy an ice-cream and a magazine with an attitude and put on a cassette, we can pretend that you're a star cos life's so very simple just like la-la-la It's a bright June afternoon... There's a painter painting his masterpiece. There are some squirrels jumping in the trees, There's a wide-eyed boy with a red balloon. All my life I've longed for this afternoon.

© 2017 by Gábor Boncz - created with

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